Thought for the day…

This’ll probably be a “One off” 

Had the Earl of Sandwich



been a General who liked to wear a woollen ‘jumper’ that buttoned down the front,


and the Earl of Cardigan, been a sailor, and had asked his valet to bring him two slices of bread, with meat therein.





We would now be eating a cardigan and wearing a sandwich….




and Hawai’i would never have been known as the Sandwich Islands, ‘cos Sandwich was a sailor, and the bloke who gave the nod to Jimmy Cook, to go find Australia, not a soldier,

And this should give me peace from my Nemesis tucked away somewhere in the Cardigan Islands or is that Sandwich, I’m all confused; so much for thinking a thought for the day!



31 thoughts on “Thought for the day…

  1. That was very confusing. But enlightening too. I’d heard of the Sandwich Islands. But I don’t recall ever hearing that the name was just an early one for the Hawaiian Islands. Or I heard that and had forgotten. These days I often wonder, when I learn something new, if it’s really new to me or if I’ve just forgotten something I used to know.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes Hawai’i was named The Sandwich Islands by Capt Cook on his first voyage, The Earl of Sandwich was the First Lord of the Admiralty at the time and was the person who authorized Cooks voyage.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Brian,
    didn’t you originally come from Barking? I think you are barking mad.
    P.S. My birthday is coming up soon; must be time for an after-noon at the Vic.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I was actually 1 step away from Daggers 2 steps away from Barking: Barking, Upney, Becontree, then Heathway,(Dagenham). I lived in Becontree in the borough of Barking postal address Dagenham.
        Is it any wonder I’m Barking?

        Kerry has some plant cuttings for you, you remember talking about it the other week before you went up north?


  4. A nice piece of alternative thinking!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Never thought of it in that light but now you come to mention it……………….

      Liked by 1 person

  5. . . . I much prefer the “if frogs had wings” narrative, but this is a close second. Of course, that only counts in horseshoes and hand granades.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. frogs have wings??? I’ve heard if pigs had wings but frog?
      I’m scratching my head in confusion over the horseshoes and hand grenades but that’s only to be expected.


  6. Guess it all depends on what’s Cooking up. (Or what it’s cloaked in.)
    All of it makes sense on a Monday. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a wonder it wasn’t Cook himself.
      Lets hope it makes sense on a Tuesday too, then I too might get to be a philosopher, too,
      Cheers & Beers:D

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I like this… this is something I can understand. Which may something about your reasoning, or mine, or both. Whichever, carry on, ye bringer of codswallop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well it was short, and sweet, and to the point for once Pamela, glad you enjoyed it, but as I said it’s probably just a one off.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. That brings me to think of Jersey and how Cowes should be there because it should not be Wight where they are.
    But these are good slices of history with heartwarming features.
    Hawaii oh Hawaii would a Cook be so set on sandwiches?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lindsay you always give me a smile with a daily serve of corn 😀

      Our Jim was pretty lucky that he didn’t finish up, as the piece of meat, in a sandwich on those Sandwich Isles, I wonder why they didn’t eat him, perhaps they thought he was too old,or too tough.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Unlike the cook who got eaten in WS Gilbert’s ‘The Yarn of the Nancy Bell’.

        Oh, I am the cook and the captain bold,
        And the mate of the Nancy Brig;
        And the bosun tight, and the midshipmite,
        And the crew of the captain’s gig


        1. I’d never heard of this, Love G&S, Had to go on line it’s rollicking good fun that one expects from Sir Wm. thanks for giving me this. I’ll treat it as a birthday present and keep it.


        2. I love all the ‘Bab Ballads’ and know many off by heart. Another one, which the cattle-ticks don’t like, is ‘Gentle Alice Brown’.


  9. HA! This made me snort-laugh! 😀 😛 🙂 :mrgreen: o_O
    I will never look at a sandwich or a sweater the same way again! 😮
    HUGS to you Lord 🐻 i of B!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The funny thing is, had it have been the way I 🐻🐻🐻 suggested,😏😏😏 we would not think anything odd about it, we’d just make ourselves a cardigan for lunch,😋😋😋 and put on our sandwich when it got a bit chilly, just ask 🐺🐺🐺;

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 😛 o_O 😎 🐻 😈 :mrgreen: 😉 😮


  10. Nice to hear from you again. Even if the whimsy is a bit too whimsical.


    1. It was my attempt at humour, and nobody laughed 😥


      1. How sad. And you don’t laugh at my jokes anymore.


    2. . . . so . . . an unsuccessful attempt, then. Perhaps you should have put more effort into it.


      1. are you aiming your barbs at me or Pope John Poal the First 🙂 ?


        1. I thought you were one and the same.

          I guess the pontificating threw me off.

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Very clever, Brian! Your whacky sense of humor (visual and aural) is most welcome on this side of the Atlantic O. Or is it the great Pacific O? Whichever…. Have a great day and (I think) a belated Happy BDay! 🙂


    1. Thank you Elouise, and no, you are right on time, it is 08.30 on the 17th April. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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