Bizz-e, Bizz-ee Bizz-eee! 🐝

 more like;

😊🍸”Laz-e, Laz-ee , Laz-eee” or ” ‘scuses.’ scuses, ‘scuses ” 🍸😊

It’s only been a week, since I was babbling on, seems like yonks, however, for want of nothing better to do, I thought perhaps I might come and have a ramble here, and brighten up your lives a little.

Whoever it was, that called out ”A very little’‘, can leave right now; thank you very    much!

A few weeks back, the War Office declared ‘WAR’ ; which, I suppose, is what War Offices are meant to do. after which there was  an armistice, of sorts, followed by an ‘uneasy peace’. These conflicts have occurred at various times over the last 40 plus years, and, I suppose if we live for another 40, there will be just as many more!

C’est la guerre!

You might notice that it is ‘la’ not ‘le’. La being the feminine, (something the French are wont to do with their language – a sexist thing) and therefore is something which is entirely relevant, in the aforementioned ‘Declaration of Hostilities’ ; what with me being a peace loving soul ( got it right that time Lesley) of course. 😈 🐻

The armistice, followed by the uneasy peace, commenced on the Friday 16th November; how can I be so sure of the date? Well may you ask.

On that date, I fancied ‘Fishermans Pie’ for my dinner, I hadn’t made one for quite some time. I conveyed my thoughts to the ever present Coco,🐾🐾and the War Office, happening to overhear, stated that that would be nice, and that she’d like some too; which made it easy.

I now had a willing messenger, to go get what I needed. To be on the safe side I wrote out a shopping list of what I wanted, and from where, and off she trotted, – actually she drove, the store where I prefer to get my fish, is a couple of k’s away, and it’s a bit of a trot, not like the local stores, that she normally walks to.

So that evening, I had my ‘Fishermans Pie’ and I must admit it was quite delicious.

Now  you’re all dying  to know, ”how can he be so sure of the date’;; it’s the 16th November for those that’ve forgotten! 😈 I took some pictures of it before and after it went into the oven, and somehow the trusty old Sanyo point and shoot planted the date thereon 👿


Now why did I shove in 5 photo’s when 2 would have sufficed?

‘Cos it looks nicer that’s why! 😊

Oh and by the bye; my granddaughters are coming down to stay for a few days, arriving in 48 hours: might just do a post telling you why!


The bear

37 thoughts on “Bizz-e, Bizz-ee Bizz-eee! 🐝

  1. I had to look up a recipe to see what’s in the pie, but it sounds pretty tasty. I could certainly use a new way to cook fish.

    Have fun with your adorable granddaughters!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They certainly are tasty, the only way I can get the WO to eat fish is either a pie or a kedgeree . I’ve always been a fish eater, I suppose that’s because during the war we always had a plentiful supply of fish, I cannot recall eating meat very often.
      I’m looking forward to my granddaughters with some trepidation; they’ll run me off my feet. 😛


  2. And, the point of this post was ???????? Bragging about cooking, bragging about domestic bliss, or bragging about something I skimmed over?

    But, we still love you, you lovable old coot. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean! I scrolled down, expecting. . . Something . . . And it ended ! Whaaat? But anyway, good to hear he’s up and grumpying.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Have enema equipment, will travel.

        Get better!


        1. Anymore like this and I’ll have to give these pages an ‘R’ rating might even have to go to an XXX

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Oops, i posted that comment on the wrong blog. Oh, well. Let’s see if anyone even notices, eh?


        1. Looked like it was on the right one to me, it’d apply to any of my ”blog’s”

          Liked by 1 person

  3. So what fish do you use? I don’t care for too much salmon in mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not fond of salmon either. I prefer cod, the WO doesn’t like fish, except for smoked cod, 🐟🐟 so I usually use that as the base. I dob it with butter, and a good sprinkling of black pepper, then poach it in milk. I also toss in prawns/shrimp ( I don’t poach them), I do like a bit of crab too , but she doesn’t, so I don’t. I will not forgo my prawns so I get her lot too
      I actually prefer ling to the smoked cod, it’s very similar in texture to cod, same family I think, but same thing she doesn’t like it!


      1. Why not just make two pies, one with the things you like and another one for the WO wit the things she likes!
        In Grimsby we don’t eat cod, we insist on haddock!


        1. 2 pieces of ‘addock an 6 pennuff of chips please.
          And as for your suggestion, I’ll forget you even suggested it 😈

          Liked by 1 person

        2. and don’t forget the scraps!


        3. Scraps?? That the batter that’s boiling away in the oil?


        4. Exactly, an essential addition to f&c

          Liked by 2 people

        5. I seem to recall our chish and fip shop used to sell those to us, They came in a little paper bag like an upturned forage cap.
          When we went to England in 2005, the WO wanted to see where I grew up and that fish & chip shop was still there. I went in to say hello, and was greeted by a very large man in a turban and beard who spoke with an accent from the sub continent
          . The interior was about the same as I remembered from 1959


        6. Fish & Chip shops never change Brian!


        7. Oh Andrew, I agree and for me scraps are almost the best part of the meal, well apart from Grimsby fish!


        8. If it is Grimsby then it has to be Haddock!

          Liked by 1 person

        9. With you there Andrew, as a very close neighbour (Yorkshire) I agree 🙂


        10. Big county but one of my favourites!

          Liked by 1 person

        11. Next door neighbours as I recall!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. The way to a woman’s heart

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ….more like stomach, I know she has one of those ! 😈

      Liked by 2 people

  5. OH! It looks and sounds so delicious! 🙂
    Way to go, Lord 🐻 iOfBow!!! 🙂
    I bet there will be no more war after this! 😀 HA! 😉 😛
    I love fish of all kind! Now I’m craving fish! 😮 HA! 😀
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Carolyn it did and it was 😅😅
      There will be many more wars as I live and breathe 💥 🕱 🛡 💥🛡 🕱 💥 🕱🛡
      I can live on fish, just love whatever the seas and oceans can provide. 🐟 🐠 🐟 🐠 🐟
      The WO likes red meat! 🐏 🐮 🐏🐮

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YAY! on everything but the more wars! 😉 😂
        I prefer fish and seafood over red meat, too. 🙂


  6. I love fish pie! Graham (late husband) made the best, and by that I mean far better than me.
    I’m so pleased about your family coming to visit, is the beagle coming too?


    1. No we won’t be getting Butch, He’s unwell and they are flying down, he will stay on the farm and look after the goats pigs bovine s and whatever else they now have.
      My fishermans pie is better than the WO too, probably ‘cos she can’t cook one 👿

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If I lived nearer I’d invite myself for tea! 🙂


        1. Our front door only gets closed when we retire for the night,

          Liked by 1 person

        2. In that case I shall arrive at 6:00 PM would that suit?


        3. Bit late for me now, I usually dine at 5.30 😈
          What happens when you get old and doddery 😛


        4. That is the time we always used to eat , mainly because of the kid’s bath time. for myself I would prefer to eat at around 6 o’clock but having my son staying with me it is more likely to be 630 these days. I will arrive at 5.00 because I am assuming we will have a drink first


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