Comics & Cartoons

After all most 5 years this post/blog received its first ‘hit’ so I’m re posting it for your pleasure and/or criticism whatever takes your fancy. XD


The other day I received an e-mail from my Dopey Daughter who is currently on a work/study thing in Malawi which is somewhere in deepest, darkest Africa, doesn’t that expression get a hammering? I should know better than to use it; however, to get back to the e-mail, it was quite odd but considering the source one should not be surprised.

I’ve cut and posted the contents so that you can see for yourselves

Sent: Friday, 13 July 2012 12:24 AM
Subject: RE: [New post] Emma Boo Boo Possum

 Hi dad
Just read a Hagar the Horrible cartoon in the Malawi Daily Times. Funny 

Now this came to me from out of the blue or cyber space if you prefer and I could not help wondering why she sent me an e-mail telling me that she’d read a comic strip. What the dickens it had to do with the…

View original post 960 more words

8 thoughts on “Comics & Cartoons

  1. I think my belly would be shaking, reading Useless Eustace!


  2. They look a bit dated now, but at the time they were spot on with what was happening.


  3. Sent from my iPad



    1. You sent this twice; and the one with all the text has gone, better try again Carole X 🙄 O_o


  4. Hi Bro, I enjoyed reading this. As an added bit, do you remember mum, you and me going to the Queen Victoria Market and buying big on used comics?
    It was amazing how many comics we could buy for 1/-!
    We would go through piles of comics; I used to like ‘The Phantom’ and other U.S. Comics. Can’t remember the name of the one with the young chap with the crew cut, was it Archie? He had a girlfriend Veronica and a mate Jughead. Apart from the Japanese and their manga it seems that today’s kids are ignorant of comics, more interested in their mobiles and ipads.
    Oh, those were the days.

    On a different tack, spent last week in Bright, what a beautiful part of the world. Next week we are scheduled to move into our new house, keep your fingers crossed for it to happen. Say hi to Kerry, Cheers, Carole



    1. Hey there Carole,
      That’s one thing that I do not recall, I remember going to the QV Market once and only vaguely recall not enjoying the experience.
      You’re right about Archie, and yes the Phantom was always followed.
      Bright is a lovely town from what I remember of the 1950’s, I used to go there quite often, The Delany’s had a lovely place there and we’d go visit with Francis Delany who I worked with for a few years at the Royal. She had a great 21st birthday party. There are some streets and places named for that family I believe.
      An Australian lady, who I follow regularly, (click this link I’m sure you’ll enjoy the experience; Gwen gives me a lot of curry) spent some time there recently and did some marvellous posts on her visit. You might enjoy looking at them; some good photographs. Gwen is from The Gong and her autobiography was published some time ago,it is now being sold and widely read in the USA
      Send some pics of the new house and then I may come for a visit 😈 that of course if I can drag myself away from Coco.
      Kerry said hello and welcome back to Oz. 🙂 🙄


  5. I loved the post but you never said which Hagar your daughter laughed at. I got into a lot of trouble with some of my “English Teacher” colleagues for bringing cartoons into class for the students who had learning difficulties. I found that the expression and action of the characters helped these kids understand words that other methods didn’t. And you could mention “Ginger Meggs”, “Bluey and Curly” and “Asterix”.


    1. Typical of my daughter, she didn’t say. Had I have enquired she would have, in all probability, asked me what I was raving on about!

      I do believe comics were a great boon in my days, I’d imagine if they still exist they’d be all about fighting odd creatures, killing and raping. with nothing left for the imagination.


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