Why wasn’t I surprised?

After posting that last ramble of mine, entitled “Surprised”, complete with suitable smileys, I anticipated a completely different reaction to the one I received. Well I did drop a few hints near the end; at least I thought they were, and thought I might have aroused some curiosity on the part of the reader,

But no, not a one, I thought there was a bit of a nibble on the bait from the philosophermouse, at one stage, but it came to nothing.

Must admit I was a bit embarrassed, and did feel ashamed too; all the real concern for my health, and well being, was not what I was expecting, and it looked to me like I must have been looking for some sympathy; which is definitely not my style. That’s if I have any of that stuff! I’m pretty content with my lot, well I am most of the time.

Whilst I’ve been flopping around, doing precious little, I’ve been thinking over most of the stuff that I’ve posted, and it dawned on me that all the “good” stuff, happened before I met the War Office. There hasn’t been that much since. There are a few stories I could relate, especially of the time I was pushing a cab around Sydney, and when I bought a cab and went ‘Bush”.

The past few days I’ve been feeling pretty good, a couple of weeks back, I had to go see Prof. Kilian; the hearts specialist. The War Office wonders why I bother, as they can’t do anything with what’s ticking away inside me, but I like the bloke and it’s nice to go for a chat and gets me out for an hour or so.

Anyway he said to me, “a nip of brandy now and again wouldn’t do you much harm”; so I went and bought a bottle of the stuff. Must admit I don’t like it, can’t stand the smell for one thing, however, I forced some down, and must admit it did make me feel quite well. Gagged a bit on the first bottle, but the seconds not causing too many problems, and is making me feel quite fit, I’m breathing much easier, so I’ll keep having a nip, well more like a slug of the stuff, and get myself motivated.

I’ve got quite a few more B.T.W.O. tales, quite a few in fact, that I want to get down, not sure about posting them all, but I’m keen to get that thing that I started for my granddaughters, which so far is running to well over 100 pages, so I haven’t been entirely lax and lazy. finished.

If I ever get to write about 21st century episodes you may expect to read of the time I was arrested by Hawai’i 50; I do know there’s one young lady wanting the story. 😈



29 thoughts on “Why wasn’t I surprised?

  1. That’s my sort of prescription!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😀 and you don’t need it in writing


  2. Neill M Francis 02/06/2019 — 17:54

    I’ve never liked brandy, or that expensive French stuff. It might be a little more palatable for you if you drink it with some dry ginger ale. St Mary MacKillop came to grief over tippling brandy. In the 19th century it was common for women to have a nip to relieve period pain. One day she went down to the kitchen to take a nip for this purpose and no sooner had she swallowed it that the convent doorbell rang. It was Bishop Shiel. He smelled the brandy on her breath and concluded she was a wardrobe drinker and had her excommunicated. She had nowhere to live so was taken in by, I think, a kindly Presbyterian or Jew, a citizen who appreciated her work in the community. So Brian, be careful with that stuff, you don’t want to get yourself in all sorts of trouble like St Mary Mac.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Neill , I think that if you add anything to the stuff it would defeat the purpose, it obviously gets it’s power from being taken neat.
      There’s hope for me yet; who knows. I may finish up as St Beari of Barking, and you’d better watch out then me lad 👿

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Despite all your best efforts, we do rather love you

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Going over the top there Derrick; you haven’t been having a little sip of the stuff have you?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. People may think it’s just an excuse to drink, but it does work. My mother had a heart condition and the doctor told her, when you get upset or tense, take a shot of brandy – lo and behold, she felt much better. So one day, when an extremely stressful situation arose, I tried it. Like you, I had to get past the smell and taste and just gulp the stuff down – and it worked on me as well!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Must admit I was a bit that way too GP, it must be one of the vilest concoctions ever devised by man but it certainly seems to do the trick. How it can become addictive is beyond me, the smell and taste puts me off, I’m still having to force it down.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I’d be in trouble with that treatment. I don’t drink at all. But I’m certainly glad to hear you’re doing better than I thought based on your last post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’d be surprised what you can force down if the situation requires it Susan, I don’t know what they add to the stuff but it certainly has great medicinal qualities, I’m feeling quite sprightly most of the time; and I’m not forcing down that much.


  6. Pro. Kilian sounds good and grand-y, recommending the brandy! 😀 😛 o_O :mrgreen: 😈 😉
    Arrested by Hawaii 50!?!? Do tell!!! 😀
    Well, I for one, care about you. And maybe because of my pea-brain, I didn’t pick up on what I ’twas supposed to. No need to feel embarrassed that you have a pea-brain (me) reading your posts! HA! 😉 😛
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You a pea brain? I’m a moron ! 😀 😛 o_O :mrgreen:
      I’d heard of the supposed qualities of brandy but put it down to an excuse to get stuck into it, I’ve changed my mind, it’s quite amazing.🍻🍺 🍸🍸 😜
      My Hawai’ian adventure happened in 2008, so there’s a few years to fill in before I get that far. It was an entirely different ‘hint’ that I dropped in the other post, something to do with $40 and happened in 1979/1980 😁😈 😁 😈

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I would say that most of us wanted to say to you, What’s up with you? Or something like that but we were too polite. Then you told us that the WO repeatedly asked what would she do without you. We expected the worse but we were still too polite to ask.
    I like Brandy, but not on its own I like it with fresh orange. Anyway I’m glad you’re going write about Hawaii Five-O .and yes I am looking forward to listening 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes but the War Office is a panic merchant;
      I’m not actually planning about the Hawai’i episode yet, lots of stuff before that, that was the more recent of my escapades 2008

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Predictive text! I actually typed looking forward to it,

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Irena Kowalski 03/06/2019 — 09:36

    A hot toddy with brandy may be the go.
    And still awaiting instalment on the escapade with the Hawaii 50.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Might be a long wait for that one Ira, that was in 2008, next time we meet for a drink I’ll tell you the story; that’s a promise. Think the War Office is out with eldest daughter again this coming Sunday the following could be a go’er


  10. HA! knew there was a undercurrent with that last post, but as Sue says, most try to tread carefully. Glad you’re not sounding stuck in the muck anymore.
    My very lovely (at age 101) and very energetic (despite being held back by aging) aunt always had a small toddy in the evening. Said it worked wonders. Good for her heart, she said. Mom used to get mad at dad who would go to the store for her “buying that old lady drink”. Gads, what works works.
    2008 is going to slip out sooner or later..sooner we hope.
    St Beari of Barking’s howling agiain…and all right-er with the world.


    1. The 1980/81 was more exciting than the 2008

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok now if you think you’re gonna get out of writing about both – so we can contrast and compare for ourselves – well, you’re had a bit too much of tonic. HaHa


        1. How can I resist such a persuasive argument?


  11. Now that you’ve whetted our appetites about the arrest in 2008, keep in mind that some of us could have left this mortal coil before you get to that story. So, break the rules, tell a story out of order and keep the customers satisfied and informed.


    1. My! My! we getting bossy aren’t we?


      1. I assume that is the Royal we?


      2. I assume that is the Royal we?


        1. Well the ‘we’ refers to you Yvonne, so I suppose it is. 😈


  12. You can try flavoured brandy. I got quite a taste for them on a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands – which kind of ties in with part of your tale-to-be. You could start with Calvados if you can get your hands on it. As for the stories, I found the more I wrote, the more I remembered. So keep on reminiscing, and taking us on a journey with you (and try to be kind to TWO while you’re at it – please).


    1. The tale to be is included is in the post aptly titled A double dollop of codswallop Gwen, I think perhaps TWO needs to be kind to me.
      The brandy; I just have a teaspoonful at a time, which actually seems to work very well, my breathing becomes easier and the chest pain subsides, mostly it’s during the night when I have to resort to the stuff, I wake with a tightness and pounding in the chest and I just take a little sip and prop myself up til it subsides.
      Not particularly worried about it, I know they can’t do anything so I just take it easy.


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