Going. Going ……

Back on the 28th September, I wandered along to see Nurse Percy, to get my monthly shot of whatever it is, she shoots into me. Oh well if you insist, I’ll tell you what it is: Hydroxocobalamin;  Hydropxo-B12. now, we’re all none the wiser, so I’ll ramble on with the rubbish.

After giving me the shot, Nurse Percy told me that I’d have to see Doc Francis and get a prescription for another supply. Each scrip is for a three month supply, and cost me the exorbitant amount of $5.40; yes indeed can you believe that, every three months having to fork out five dollars 40?

So, not having an appointment to see the good Doc, I had to con the receptionist, Oonagh, the lovely Irish lass, I’m not sure whether she is the youngest, or the eldest, of 12 children, she has the patience to put up with me, and to squeeze me into see the Doc.

The doc ask’s me how I’m going, and I tell him fine, except for getting a bit short on breath at times. He decides he’ll check me over, after which he gives me a referral for Prof. Kilian and a referral/request/order form to Quantum Radiology, just across the road from his rooms,  and tells me to take it over and get X-rays done, now!

Well I can’t get out of that, he caught me on the hop; so across the road I went and wandered into Quantum, gave them the Doc’s form, they asked if I’d been there before and I told them yes a few years back, so I didn’t have to fill in any forms, took a seat as told, (it was one of those days when I did as I was told).

A few minutes later, I was summoned by a young lady, and taken into the X-ray room, told to take my jumper and shirt off,  it’s still cold enough to be wearing one of those things; and she took the the X-rays, checked them out, told me, “okay, put your shirt back on”.  So I did.

A few minutes later she came in, gave me a nice white bag with the X-rays I said thank you very much, popped the referral for Prof. Kilian into the bag, found the car and drove home.

The War office asked how I went, and I told her fine, had to get some X-rays, “what for?” she wants to know, so I tell her “the Doc wanted them”, “Okay” says she.

I then hang the nice white bag ,containing said X-rays and referral to said Pro. K. on the hook on my bedroom door, and forgot about them.  Easily forgotten, as I like to keep the door open all the time, makes it easier for Coco to come and go.

Last Monday morning, I’m doing nothing of any great moment, (playing a card game on the computer if you really want to know; which I doubt) and the phone rings, I pick it up and say”hello”; I have a very nice telephone manner, and I brighten up immediately, “Hello Brian, it’s Percy!”

“Hello Percy” says me “what can I do for you Percy?”.  “You can come in and see Doctor Francis as soon as possible”; “Well I can’t make it before, Wednesday Percy, and as the Doc doesn’t come in on Wednesday, we’ll have to make it Thursday,. What time will I come?”

“You can come in at 9.45 or 10.15” “Okay 10.15 it is”. Really a bit early for me in a way. Daylight Saving Time commenced on the Sunday, and my body clock wasn’t in sync, 9.45 was like 8.45 breakfast time, but I thought I’d better make the effort.

So at 10 am  Thursday I presented myself at the medical centre, (better to be 15 minutes early than 15 seconds late), and sat and had a chat with Oonagh, until the Doc came and got me, 10 minutes late. he doesn’t subscribe to my credo.

Naturally, I had forgotten to take the X-rays in, they’re ” ‘anging on the ‘ook in the ‘all “; well not exactly, they’re on the hook on the bedroom door,completely forgotten.

He didn’t go crook at me, just told me that he’d got the report from Quantum, and there could be a bit of a problem. 

It appears that there is nodule on one of my lungs, and they need to do a CT scan; “This another cancer, Doc? ” ask’s me, “Could be” says he “a CT scan should give us a better idea”. “Knowing my luck Doc it’s bound to be” says me “it’s determined to get me sometime”.

Next thing he tells me, is that Percy has to take some blood out of me, send it off for analysis, and get the results back to Quantum by Friday, as I was to have the CT scan done then, all I had to do was make a time with them. At 1.30 pm yesterday Friday the scan was done!

I imagine that one day next week I’ll get another call from Nurse Percy to say that the Doc wants to see me.


The bear



27 thoughts on “Going. Going ……

  1. Lisa H Perkins 13/10/2018 — 22:36

    Sending you prayers, regardless of what you believe, If your right about God then it won’t hurt, If I am right about God, it might hlep. Hope everything comes out ok,


    1. You’re up early Lisa. hope you’re not having health problems still, and are feeling well.
      Thank you for your kind thoughts Lisa, my oldest friend on the Internet, it must be getting on for 20 years now.
      Ever Loyal Lisa 😀


  2. Well, that’s not news I wanted to hear. Haven’t you already spent more than enough time with those doctors? Tell them I said they’re not to give you any more problems. Meantime, you’ll be in my thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Susan, I’ve had my fill of hospitals and stuff, I don’t mind visiting the docs, we always have a good chat, about something or other not to do with health and it makes a change talking to sensible people 👿


  3. Oh, no. 😦 I’m so sorry you have been going through all of this and now await news.

    (I don’t like the waiting on news from doctors part. I am awaiting some lab (not the doggie) test results, too. I will hear something next week.)

    Well, please don’t go anywhere! We need you around…we need you going, going, but not gone. 🙂
    You know you have my thoughts and healing wishes! Keep up your positive attitude! It helps you and it helps all of us, too. 🙂 You are always a positive encouragement to me!

    When I have to see my doc a lot, sometimes I say, “I like you, Doc, but we’ve got to stop meeting like this!” 😉 😀 😛 :mrgreen: 😎 And he laughs. 😀

    🙂 🐻 😀 😈 😛 😀 :mrgreen: 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We’re bird feather 🐦 🐦 🐦 🐦 Carolyn; always in the wars, as my mother used to put it when some one was poorly. I suppose one way or another I’ll be around for a while longer, the devil 😁😈 😁 😈 takes care of his own ( she used to say that too).
      If I said to my doc what you say to yours he’d probably punch me on the nose. He’s a happily married man 😈😊😅

      Pats for Coop and hugs for Carolyn from Coco who happens to be snoring his head off beside me 🐾 🐩 🐶🐾 🐻

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s all the fault of that darn Vit B12. If you hadn’t needed a new prescription, the doctor wouldn’t have asked you how you were, and sent you for the x-ray.

    We’ll all be thinking of you, as you wait for the results. And, I won’t even be mean to you, for a change, ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was going to blame the War Office, I’m glad you’ve put it into perspective, and please don’t stop being mean, I’d believe I was dead and gone to Hades Hall 😁 😈😊😅

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello again Brian.
    I am so sorry to read your latest health bulletin. I sincerely hope the outcome of the next round of tests will be far better than you expect. Please let us all know soon, lots of people here will be concerned about you including me.

    Just waiting for my own chest X-ray results, though now I’m on the mend, full of steroids and penicillin I feel more positive about the outcome. Apologies if I’ve missed any of your posts this week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Health issues never worry or bother me Sue, I can’t see the point of it. I never duck the issues and prefer the docs to talk to me straight. If there’s something wrong ; tell me, I want to know!.
      Luckily for all my docs they do .
      Haven’t been posting much of late just started catching up on my email stuff again, that seems to build up very quickly, and theres so many posts I follow I’m finding it hard to read them all, might have to cull them, stop following those that don’t follow mine seems the WTG

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Personally, “follow those who follow me” is not a good way to go. I have something like 1,300 followers. Many of them are people who post about fashion or sports or other stuff I don’t care about.

        Not everyone feels the same, but following someone because they followed you seems (to me) a disservice if not an outright insult.

        Try telling people this: “I don’t like what you do, but since you followed me, I’ll follow you. Mind you, I’ll still don’t like what you do, so mostly I’ll ignore your posts and occasionally toss out a ‘like’ or two when I remember or when you like one of my posts. Occasionally, if there’s something I particularly dislike, I’ll make the effort to let you know my displeasure and antipathy for it.”

        I imagine people would be extremely happy to hear that . . . not!

        You should follow those that are of interest. You should follow what is manageable, meaning, follow only enough blogs for the time you have to tend to them.

        Disclaimer: I may not be the best person for advice . . . although, I have a follower who constantly tells me they don’t like what I post. I don’t find it exactly a positive reinforcement nor an incentive to change what I do.


      2. I love your attitude to your illness.
        I’m an optimist, I always believe there’s nothing really wrong and it will pass, I had to be forced to visit the doctor and friend Gerry (GC) even contacted daughter Sophie in an attempt to get me to see someone!

        I understand what you mean about an inbox full of messages I couldn’t face answering many of my e-mails so I deleted most of them and marked a few with a flag to answer when I was well again.
        I shall write something later today for Nan’s Farm and try to catch up on the pingbacks for our other site Weekly Prompts.


        1. Always been told I’ve got attitude, but I don’t believe it was given in a complimentary way. Thanks Sue 😀


  6. Bloody doctors. All they ever do is find fault. It’s like having an unhappy wife.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is there such a thing as an “Happy Wife”😁 😈 I like my docs, they’re good blokes everyone of them


      1. I do too – until he tells me I have to give up whisky.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Let’s hope it’s not and if it is, it’s caught early. Try to not be stubborn about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me Stubborn? Never!
      If it is caught early they might throw it back, but somehow I doubt it


  8. Here’s hoping for the best

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you didn’t say praying Derrick Thanks for the good wishes 😁😊😅

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Not the news you want hear. At least you have a medical team with whom you are confident and comfortable. My very best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Gwen; It might be a while yet before my joining you in the Gong;.
      The thought occurred to me the other night ; when I do get there they’ll add my name to the plaque for those that arrived the same year, with the “eternal candle” on top and you could pop along to your Alma Mater, take a picture of that and shove it in a post of yours, I’d like that. 😁 😊😅So many thanks in advance as I wont be able to thank you when I get there 😈 🐻

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll do my best to carry out your wishes. It would be my pleasure.

        Oddly enough, I was thinking about your ‘Gong ambition as I was grocery shopping yesterday (I was also thinking about whether I should send Yvonne the grocery list) and wistfully thinking that it would be a lot better if you came down for a cup of coffee while you are still chatty, rather than wait until the inevitable trip. Easy bus from you to Central, 90 minutes scenic trip in a quiet carriage, and all for $2.50 return. I’d pick you up from the station.


  10. Hi Bro, I hope the results are negative. Keep me posted please. Cheers, Carole

    Sent from my iPad



  11. Brian,
    our fingers are firmly crossed on both hands. In any event, it is time for another visit to the “Old Vic” – suggest a day.


    1. Sunday should be a good time Neill; I believe that the weather will be fine by then, I’ll get my leave pass from the War Office and confirm tomorrow. 😀


All comments appreciated and acknowledged

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