Jane Austen’s most hateful character

There is no doubt that for avid readers of Jane Austen’s works her characters become real and we get to know them. Some we love and some we loathe. Like real people they each have their faults and failings some make us smile others make us sigh, there is hardly a character in any of her works that doesn’t affect us in one way or another.

But there are those I know I could quite cheerfully strangle, how they affect others I can’t say; but I’m going on record with two characters that need stay well clear of me on a dark night.      🙂

For me there is a choice between two, first Mrs Fanny Dashwood, a mean, nasty, selfish woman with no saving grace whatsoever and is completely despicable but I don’t have a dread of meeting her in the book.

On the other hand, with choice number two, each time I pick up the book I’m hoping that number two will somehow have disappeared and not be in the story and I find as I get further into the book I get rather agitated knowing that soon number two will appear and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Number two actually makes me cringe, I find myself calling out aloud to Mr Knightley, to Miss Woodhouse  tell her to be quiet, go away and mind her own business. But they don’t: they are too well bred which is something she is not, alas I cannot say her name other than she is the wife of the Rev. Philip Elton and she will not go away.     😦

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