Grottos, subterranian grottos and popery

I don’t know if any of those who read and follow my rants and rubbish have ever met Kate fhrewsday, she does very little these days but her pofts are well worth reading.

She has a delightful dog named Macauley, who drops hif ballast often. and a warning.
It appears that the use of letter S is being returned to it’s previous style, of fomething
This is a gem from Kate Shrewsday; , enjoy. 😀

Kate Shrewsday


Of late, though fhrewsday hath not fpake, fhe hath learnt much.

Here’s what’s in her head today.

Pope. That’s who: not the Holy Father with the little purple cap and an air of infallibility, but the poet who lived and died an invalid some 270ish years ago.

Alexander Pope. The man who is the second most quoted writer in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, just behind Shakespeare, yet who chose to eschew glory at his death and be buried beneath a small paving slab with ‘P’ inscribed in a tiny font in a church in Twickenham.

Pope: the man who set the tongues of Thames landowners, up and down a-wagging about Greek Revival Gardens; Pope, son of Pope the linen merchant and his wife Edith; Pope the catholic in an anti-Catholic world; Pope the wordsmith, Pope the collector of curiosities. Pope the brooding, Pope the moody, Pope the infirm, Pope…

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15 thoughts on “Grottos, subterranian grottos and popery

  1. Poftf like thif make me wifh for another life. Too many wonderful placef to fee, too little time!!!! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kate is a wonderful writer it’s a pity she doesn’t post more often like once a week at least.She has the most delightful way with the English language and is a great exponent of it,, well worth following even though it’s a rarity these days.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I love her post. And the idea of grottoes and special places. I’ve always had them. Well, until now. Maybe it is time again… Thank you for sharing. Do you have your own grotto?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kate’s work, when she gets around to it, is top notch, first class can’t be bettered, add her to your list and follow her whenever you can. You’ll enjoy the experience.
      No I haven’t got a grotto I’m glad I don’t because I think grotto is a very unattractive word, kind of like the Aussie expression grottiy for something not very nice 😈 😀 😛 🐻

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, a special place then. That’s what I meant. Well, whatever. Glad you admire and like Kate so much. Hope you’re well. Time to hug a cat.


        1. ( 🐱 ) 🐻
          Thanks Pamela feeling pretty spry at the moment, and am catching up on mail 😀

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Good. I am glad to hear it.


  3. Thanks for posting this. As Kate’s posts became less frequent, my attention wandered. I was a regular of hers for a long time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If memory serves me correctly it was through Kate’s posts and the many comments that I discovered the delightful PiedType who I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of following since.
      And thats the end of my sucking up for this year! 😈 😀


  4. Love this!
    And I will pop on over to visit her!
    😀 😛 🙂 😉 😯 😎 🙄 :mrgreen:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know that you would and will ❤ Kate's work Carolyn, 😀 😛 Kate is one of the great posters, )I hate the word bloggers,) 👿
      She has a marvellous dog named Macauley, I hope he is still with us, and is an animal lover as are you and I, when she goes visiting places like Hampton Court you'll feel you are there with her. 😀 🐻 🙂 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Macauley! What a wonderful name for a doggie! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There are several posts on Kate’s site about Macauley and heres a link with pictures that I know you;ll just < ❤ 😀

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Aw, I went to see…Macauley is a cutie!!! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

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